
In the Salla National Park, ancient wilderness forests surround majestic ridges and gorge valleys. From the fell peaks, beautiful views open up to the marshes and glistening ponds. Designated viewpoints offer opportunities to admire the Northern Lights and the stars on the night sky.

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Husfjellet is located northeast of Senja Island in Northern Norway, close to popular attractions such as Tungeneset and Ersfjorden Beach. Husfjellet is praised as one of the most rewarding hiking destinations in Senja. Although the hike is classified as challenging, the ascent is mostly gradual, and the scenery is breathtaking throughout the journey.

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Abisko National Park in northern Sweden is a popular hiking destination throughout the year. The most stunning attractions and photography spots of Abisko are easily accessible, even for those who prefer shorter and less challenging hikes. Short trails and viewpoints near the road are suitable even for the busy traveler – you can see a lot in a day.

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