
Adventure running in Nuuksio National Park

A short break in nature in the middle of a work week does wonders to your brain. Especially if it’s a warm summer week and the sun doesn’t really go down at all. But when you don’t have many hours for an adventure but still crave for one, fastpacking and local nature are the key words for fun.

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Hiking the 82 km Bear's Trail 2/2

The most popular hiking trail in Finland is Karhunkierros, also known as the Bear’s Trail. It takes you through the Oulanka National Park to beautiful forests and scenic views by the swirling River Oulankajoki. The difficulty level varies from easy to more challenging, but I don’t think there are any difficult parts really, even if you are an unexperienced hiker.

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Hiking the 82 km Bear’s Trail 1/2

The most popular hiking trail in Finland is probably Karhunkierros, also known as the Bear’s Trail. It takes you through the Oulanka National Park to beautiful forests and scenic views by the swirling River Oulankajoki. The difficulty level varies from easy to more challenging, but I don’t think there are any difficult parts really, even if you are an unexperienced hiker. The 82 km trail starts from Hautajärvi village in Lapland’s Salla and ends at the Rukatunturi fell in Kuusamo (of course you can hike it the other direction too!)

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